“How fortunate I am to have such a warm and caring professional relationship with my dentist and his partner and staff, who are also friends. Your thoughtfulness and concerns are much appreciated.”
“Thank you for your services, kind accommodation and thoughtfulness. You’ll be highly recommended.”
“With appreciation for your professional skills, gratitude for your concern and good humor, and my satisfaction with the outcome, I want to say, ‘Thank you!’ This has been a uniquely delightful experience. I thank you for making it possible.”
“Thank you so much for all your great service and making me feel comfortable, best of all, thank you for giving me back my smile!”
“Dear Dr. Johnson, …It has been about three years since I was in your office. I recently went to my local dentist here in Sequim. First the dental hygienist cleaned my teeth and after three years, they were plaque free. Then the dentist could find absolutely nothing wrong with my teeth and gums and just kept looking to admire the work you had done. He kept saying perfect. He was completely impressed with your work.”